307.4 OMG! OMG! OMG! 307.4!!!!!!!!!

307.4 lbs!!!!  OMG!


Calvin and Hobbes Dancing

Did I mention that my weight today on the scale was 307.4 lbs?  I did, oh, then that’s it .  I now return you to your normally scheduled…

BUT WAIT!  307.4!!!!  Didchagetthat?!?!

That, my dear readers, is LESS THAN 310!!!!!  OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!

swooningI do declare I may faint from happiness! The vapors; the VAYpoors…. I haz tha VAYpoor….    Swoooooooon

[yes, the image of a hairy balding 50 something white dude swooning
like an old time silent film star is going to be stuck in your head for the rest of the day]

But I haven’t seen 310 in AGES! let alone been UNDER 310 — that, my friends, is swoon worthy!

THIS IS HUGE (pardon the pun)




Darn you spell check! You failed me when I needed you most!  How do you spell that word anyway!

For those of you keeping count.  That makes my total weight loss just a teeny bit under 25 lbs — close enough to round to 25!!!

Woot!  Uh-huh!  WHO da man?  Huh?  WhoseYerDaddy?!!  Take THAT foul fatness!

Why the sudden and dramatic downward trend?

apothecaryDude, I’m doin’ drugs.

Don’t getcher panties in a twist.  They are legal “diabetic” drugs.  But because my body is starting to behave the way it should, it is no longer sending FEED ME messages all the time

Which means that I’m not eating as much.

Which means that I’m using the abundant supplies of food I have stored in the subcutaneous and intramuscular spaces in my body and TAH DAH!  WEIGHT LOSS!

Whew! I’m worn out! I need a cigarette.  Well not really, but you get the gist… wink wink

Did I mention I weighed 307.4 lbs today?  Oh, I did, ok then.

See ya on the dance floor!


About TxCowboyDancer

Professional Dance Instructor teaching Country, Ballroom, Swing, Latin and Line Dance. Eleven time Country Dance World Champion.

Posted on Tue, Jul 14, 2015, in Getting Fit, Getting Healthy, Living with Diabetes and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. hi just wanted to wish you good luck! Its really hard to lose weight & dancing is great!


    • Thank you Elizabeth. Every bit of encouragement is greatly appreciated. *hugs* You’re right loosing weight is hard. It is even harder when you’re a undiagnosed diabetic! My own body was fighting against me. Now that the underlying medical obstacle is being dealt with my body is responding to my weight loss efforts. Yay!


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