I has an owie! Muddlings of a one fingered typist

Come on drugs!!!!

Be warned.  I.m going to only correct the worst of the typos. 😉

Disjointed thoughts

  • Woke up this am in major pain; must hav bumped arm.
  • holhing it cradled onpillow whike typing w/ 1 finger
  • grunting every once in while
  • left arm also hurts cause i’m doing EVERYTHING with it
  • literally sweating whle i type this.  glad i’m not female; i’d never have kid!
  • not like at ALL
  • room is mess


My pre-op is Monday afternoon.  Surgery is Wed morning.  I have to be @ hospital at 7:45 am  EEEEK.  Depending on my roomate/Best Friend who is a saint to get me there.  Mike is his name.   Sweet guy.  He’s single btw…primo husband material

ouch arm twinged…

looking forward to having cast cause will be able to do stuff again and will be off these DRUGS

love / hate drugs

I’m taking Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 7.5mg/325 mg

Can take up to 2 every4-6 hrs  will take 2nd here in minute if i have to; probably will need to really hurts this morn.

pillow for supp[ort really helps but fingers swell if left ther too long

hate the drugs causew they either knock me out and i sleep day away orthry slow everything down…  thoughts, body both go into slow motion like hitting mental quicksand/ molasses

Step right up folks..  see the dancer on drugs!   He bee Funnee!


I do have an education…

But it must not reside in my left hand.  LOL  My left hand seems to be my remedial side.   Bad hand!  No bisquit!

No, I don’t deal with pain very well…

yes, I admit it  I’m a big baby when I ain’t feelin well.

Drugs have kicked in now but brain is now wrapped in cotton and bubble wrap and fuzzt slippers and oatmeally mush

life is good in other words

Next six months

Gonna be interesting.  Time to either ackshually accomplish my goals or give up.

I vote in favor of kickin things in high gear and being the me i wznt to be

This whole broken wrist episode is going to make a great chapter in my book

Some Travel pics from New Mexico

Just for fun here are some of my best shots from my trip.  Stories behind the pics later when cast is on wrist

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Brain and arm are now stoned and numb

time to fall asleep now

See ya on the……  snzzzzzzzzz

About TxCowboyDancer

Professional Dance Instructor teaching Country, Ballroom, Swing, Latin and Line Dance. Eleven time Country Dance World Champion.

Posted on Sat, Jun 23, 2012, in Misc and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

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